This actually happened a few weeks ago, but we’ve been so unbelievably busy over here that we have neglected to put together a post until now. Most of our clients know this already, but a few weeks ago we completed our agreement with the InterWorx people, and we are proud to finally announce that we are a reseller. This should be no surprise to most of our clients, as we’ve used InterWorx as our preferred web control panel for years now, and have had absolutely no regrets.
We are proud to be among some of the biggest names in web hosting (voxel.net, steadfast networks, sago net, etc) as reseller-partners of the best control panel out there. It is just one more awesome product that we can add to the already impressive list of awesome products and services that we have chosen to partner with.
In other unrelated news, Alex McMillen (our President and CEO) was nominated for the 2007 Sysadmin of the Year award. We all congratulate him, while secretly trying to find out who the nimrod enlightened individual is that nominated him. Rob in Accounting has a $20.00 reward for any information pertaining to this anonymous nominee (no but seriously, congrats Alex).